"It (this Qur'ân) is only a Reminder for all the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinn)."And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while."(Quran 38:87-88).
Thus, the Quran is a reminder for all of mankind until the last hour. It contains information that man discovers in due time. Because this Quran was revealed from Allah's knowledge and every single verse in it was revealed with Allah's knowledge.
Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise known as the national aeronautics and space administration, where he is a well-known scientist there. We met with him and asked a number of questions about Quranic verses dealing with the expertise in astronomy.
We asked him about iron and how it was formed. He explained how all the elements in the earth were formed. He stated that the scientists have come only recently to discover the relevant facts about that formation process. He said that the energy of the early solar system was not sufficient to produce elemental iron. In calculating the energy required to form one atom of iron, it was found to be about four times as much as the energy of the entire solar system, in other words, the entire energy of the earth or the moon or the planet mars or any other planet is not sufficient to form one new atom of iron, even the energy of the entire solar system is not sufficient for that. That is why Professor Armstrong said that the scientists believe that:
Iron is an extraterrestrial that was sent to earth and not formed therein.
Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise known as the national aeronautics and space administration, where he is a well-known scientist there. We met with him and asked a number of questions about Quranic verses dealing with the expertise in astronomy.
We asked him about iron and how it was formed. He explained how all the elements in the earth were formed. He stated that the scientists have come only recently to discover the relevant facts about that formation process. He said that the energy of the early solar system was not sufficient to produce elemental iron. In calculating the energy required to form one atom of iron, it was found to be about four times as much as the energy of the entire solar system, in other words, the entire energy of the earth or the moon or the planet mars or any other planet is not sufficient to form one new atom of iron, even the energy of the entire solar system is not sufficient for that. That is why Professor Armstrong said that the scientists believe that:
Iron is an extraterrestrial that was sent to earth and not formed therein.
We read to him the Quranic verse saying:
And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind (Quran 57:25).
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